The Grounds of the Gateway Arch

Under the Arch Under the Arch is the Museum, lots to see and loads to read (I was there for hours!) it was hard to take photos in side the museum, but I thought this one was pretty good. The mural at the entrance to the museum   Here’s a closeup look at the Arch. […]

Cahokia Mounds

Cahokia Mounds After visiting The Gateway Arch I decided to visit an ancient archaeological site. It is just 11 minutes from the RV park at DraftKings Casino which is amazing when you see how big St Louis is. However, it is on the Illinois side which is nowhere near as developed. I had stopped by […]

Michigan to Seattle! My Epic Journey Starts at the Gateway Arch

Beyond Excited! I have always loved to drive. I learned when I was about 12 and couldn’t wait to get my license. I loved just getting ‘out’ there and would regularly walk 10 to 20 miles just to see a place I hadn’t been to yet. If I could get a car imagine how much […]

With all this installed, how much room do I have?

The trouble with a mini-van is lack of space. Well, there’s much more space than a regular car but it’s nothing compared to our 38ft MotorHome that we sold. This is what you call downsizeing! In reality though I have plenty of space, maybe not as much headroom as I would like but you can’t […]

So, what’s inside my rig?

Michigan to Seattle, the Process of Getting Ready If you’re getting ready to get on the road I imagine by now you’ve watched hundreds of videos and read hundreds of blogs. That’s what I had to do in order to figure out what I needed for my epic journey. And by epic I mean about […]

What it Took to Start My Epic Journey

I’m starting a whole new journey in a whole new way! Sold the motorhome, which was hard for me. I think Tim was glad to see it go as he’s not really the kind of guy that likes to be constantly fixing engine, toilet plumbing, roof leaks, window leaks, electrical issues, and dashboard problems. Engine […]

Sawtooth Campground

This is such an amazing place, literally miles from anywhere yet we have a good cell phone signal with our WeBoost booster such that we can both work online without any interruptions. And the view is amazing. It’s February and we’re 3000 feet up so it is not always the warmest but compared to Utah […]

Tomorrow is another day

  Another Day, Another Repair Shop Yes, tomorrow does come, sometimes you’re not sure you want it to but here we are.  Monday morning, Wal-Mart car park, snow, 18F, and an alarm that goes off every time we start the engine. Who says RVing isn’t fun? We call around and find is a truck repair […]

The saga continues…..

What does Tempting Fate Mean? As I said in my previous post "looks like we are finally on our way." Huh, we should be so lucky. On the freeway, about another 20 miles down the road there is an alarm going off. No lights blinking on the dashboard, just this alarm that started off faint […]

We got the bus back YEAH!

So they finally got the bus fixed and we drove down to Landon's Diesel Service, Inc. in Price, Utah to pick him up and bring him home. It's January and we have been lucky with the weather.  It had been snowing and we were a bit worried going over the mountains that we would get […]

A new chapter begins

September 2015 was supposed to be the start of a new chapter in our lives. I guess it was in reality, it just didn’t go according to plan. Just over a year ago we bought a used motor home with the intention of traveling around the country visiting our clients so as to strengthen relationships […]

Major Milestone for ME!

Major Milestone for ME! Most of you probably do this all the time and don’t even give it a thought but the other day Tim and I went to the movies.  I walked in unassisted, no walking stick, nothing, I sat there watching the movie for almost 2 hours, I then got up out of […]

Life’s Little Challenges

It has been a slow recovery, I felt bad all the time I was on the antibiotics which was 7 days in the hospital and another 14 when I got out. Although I started to feel better in myself when they stopped, just over a week ago, being on antibiotics that long has had a […]

Getting better!

Getting better! Rachael went home today, boo hoo.  She has been such a help to me, words just can't begin to describe my gratitude. I didn't realize how ill I was 2 weeks ago when I got out of hospital, when you feel rough sometimes it's hard to judge just how rough you are.  I’ve […]

In the hospital!!! (and out again ;o)

In the hospital!!! I'll keep this short as I don't have very long lucid periods!     Was ill last Saturday 26th July with what I thought was thrush/yeast infection. Sunday went & bought Monistat 1. Hurt worst to pee than ever. Used bladder pain meds given a couple of weeks ago. Monday tough it […]

Thursday 6th June, 1 day post-op

Looking again at Tim's notes I am amazed at how I have no memory of this day at all. When I read them it is really obvious to me that no matter how sick a person is, sometimes it is much worse for the loved one who is desperate to do anything they can to […]

6 weeks and a set back ;o(

6 weeks and a set back ;o( Well I have been progressing well over the last few weeks, able to take a 1 mile walk 2 or 3 times a day. Still all on the flat, haven’t tried going uphill which would be easy to find as I live on the side if a mountain […]

My Life Before and After

So how can getting three new disks change your life?  This past year has, by and large, meant I have been house bound.  Any trips out brought on unbearable pain and days in bed recovering. Difficult at best but catastrophic when you are try to run your own business. I am lucky in that we […]

Bed or Pressure Sores and Day 37 Post Op

Day 37 Post Op Well it’s just over 5 weeks since the surgery and I still have good days and bad.  Last weekend was pretty good but I seemed to go downhill again after that.  My guts almost feel as they did right after the surgery where they feel like they are about to fall […]

Day 28 post op. My Sucky Week

Recap of the last week. 26th June, Wednesday Day 21, 3 weeks today! Long flight home, 22 hours door to door and all of it sitting. Went back on the fentanyl patch 4 days before we left so I would have the relief for three days while packing and sorting etc, although Tim was fantastic […]

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