Well Tuesday was spent recuperating and Lauren being 7 recuperated very quickly. 7 year olds have an amazing capacity for bouncing back and then it's all about how to keep them entertained.
There is a park at the end of our road that has a playing field, swings, slide and sand so by Tuesday afternoon Lauren was up and raring to go so off to the park we went closely followed to a trip to the mall in Irvine where they have a cool Merry Go Round which Lauren had to go on of course!
Lauren on the merry go round
By Wednesday they were all up to a trip to the beach but Thursday was my day to finally get to Disney! They had bought 2 day tickets as they were going to spend 2 days and nights at the park and in the Disney hotel so I bought a park hopper ticket so we could all get into both Disneyland and California Adventure Park and off we went.
Michael, Lauren and Rosanne at California Adventure Park
Lauren the Princess
Asleep on Nana's shoulder, definitely a long day but so worth it. Now I just have to get all my other grand kids to California so I can do it all again with them!