You know after everything I have gone through over the last 2+ years with my back you would think they could have sorted it out by now. I should be so lucky. Where's Dr Crusher when you need her or even the holo Doc? at least he knows how to put Borg nanobots to good use, he would have had it sorted.

Well until that wonderful day comes I have to suffer the slings and arrows of modern medicine. I am still in a lot of pain so they sent me back to the hospital to get another MRI with dye again.  The dye allows the radiologist to 'see' what's going on in there better apparently. I wouldn't mind but I am extremely claustrophobic and the injection of that dye hurts darn it!

Talk about mind control, when they put me in that machine I swear my heart rate goes through the roof and panic doesn't even begin to describe the feeling.  I have to close my eyes before they start to move me and on no account do I open them.  I also have to keep quelling the panicky thoughts coursing through my head.  Like most things it is mind over matter and that is how I manage it, I imagine I am on a beach with the wind blowing, there's a fan on you so that helps and I refuse to give in.

I feel ready to collapse by the time they pull me out but I feel such a sense of triumph that I overcame without medication.

MRI Machine

MRI Machine

I saw this picture and thought to myself, "I've seen coffins with more space around the body than this!"

To top it all off the noise inside is incredible, you have to wear ear plugs, some imaging places have headphones with music to supposedly help you relax and secondly to help block the noise. Neither works, I just hope this time they find out why I still have so much pain, leg spasms, pins and needles and numb areas on my lower legs.  It makes it hard to do anything, sitting, bending (even to brush my teeth) kneeling, all hurt like crazy and laying helps the alleviate the pain a bit but brings on the spasms more!