Major Milestone for ME!

Major Milestone for ME! Most of you probably do this all the time and don’t even give it a thought but the other day Tim and I went to the movies.  I walked in unassisted, no walking stick, nothing, I sat there watching the movie for almost 2 hours, I then got up out of […]

In the hospital!!! (and out again ;o)

In the hospital!!! I'll keep this short as I don't have very long lucid periods!     Was ill last Saturday 26th July with what I thought was thrush/yeast infection. Sunday went & bought Monistat 1. Hurt worst to pee than ever. Used bladder pain meds given a couple of weeks ago. Monday tough it […]

6 weeks and a set back ;o(

6 weeks and a set back ;o( Well I have been progressing well over the last few weeks, able to take a 1 mile walk 2 or 3 times a day. Still all on the flat, haven’t tried going uphill which would be easy to find as I live on the side if a mountain […]

My Life Before and After

So how can getting three new disks change your life?  This past year has, by and large, meant I have been house bound.  Any trips out brought on unbearable pain and days in bed recovering. Difficult at best but catastrophic when you are try to run your own business. I am lucky in that we […]

Bed or Pressure Sores and Day 37 Post Op

Day 37 Post Op Well it’s just over 5 weeks since the surgery and I still have good days and bad.  Last weekend was pretty good but I seemed to go downhill again after that.  My guts almost feel as they did right after the surgery where they feel like they are about to fall […]

Day 28 post op. My Sucky Week

Recap of the last week. 26th June, Wednesday Day 21, 3 weeks today! Long flight home, 22 hours door to door and all of it sitting. Went back on the fentanyl patch 4 days before we left so I would have the relief for three days while packing and sorting etc, although Tim was fantastic […]

New Bionic Back

Day 16 Post-op Woke up in a lot of pain this morning, we went for a short walk last night to a restaurant that was close, our first real meal out. I was OK for a while but sitting there did start to get the better of me after the first hour, even with 2 […]