Barcelona here we come, 8 days…….

Barcelona here we come, 8 days……. Well so much for my posting every day. That went out the window when the pain upped.  Hard to do anything except just what's necessary to get through the day.  Work comes first, if we don't keep working on our business we don't make any money and I have […]

I appear to have a new grandchild and her name is Flat Sarah!

Hello, my name is Flat Sarah and my sister is Lauren Spano.  Lauren's school, Belle Ann Elementary, is doing a big project and that project involved me, Flat Sarah, being in all sorts of situations.  Lauren and our mom Rosanne decided to send me to Nana and Papa because Mom said Nana and Papa are […]

Whale Watching

I love sailing, we've done a lot of it over the years, the trouble is sailing doesn't like me!  We once spent 2 weeks on a sailing course in the Mediterranean and the skipper told me that sea sickness usually goes away after 3 days max.  I threw up everyday for the whole 2 weeks!  […]

A Day At Disney

Well Tuesday was spent recuperating and Lauren being 7 recuperated very quickly.  7 year olds have an amazing capacity for bouncing back and then it's all about how to keep them entertained. There is a park at the end of our road that has a playing field, swings, slide and sand so by Tuesday afternoon […]

The Joys of Disney, NOT!

Rosanne, Michael and Lauren spent yesterday at Disney and had loads of fun, they were scheduled to stay 2 nights at the Disney hotel and I was supposed to meet them today to spend Laurens birthday with her at the Disneyland park. All sounds great in theory until something comes along to throw a spanner […]

Quilts, Quilts, Quilts

Well It is Laurens birthday tomorrow and as they are spending today at Disneyland I know they won't be reading this blog so I can now release pictures of the quilt I have made for them. This first quilt for Lauren was the one I mostly finished at the retreat.  Here you can see the […]

Happy Mothers Day!

Well, I have had a wonderful Mothers Day. My daughter Rosanne arrived yesterday with her husband Michael and best of all (sorry Rosanne and Michael) they brought my granddaughter Lauren. Yippee! This morning we went to the park and then walked over the hill to Starbucks for a hot chocolate. That was fun till Lauren […]

My HQ16 Quilting Machine

My quilting machine and I have a love / hate relationship. I love her when she works right but when she doesn’t I want her to pick a window cos she’s leaving!!! She reminds me of a poem I learnt when I was a child (XXX years ago LOL) There once was a girlWho had […]

No Quilting For A Week!!!

If you decide to look at the Slide Presentation to the right make sure you go to the first slide, you can tell you are there because it say’s ‘Slide One’ along with some inane comment! We did have wonderful week there this time (no snow – see last post) but I did get withdrawal […]