Our Hitch Hiker from California

Our Hitch Hiker from California Yes we really did bring a Californian hitch hiker with us, we didn’t really want him and I am sure he didn’t want to come! Before I start this story I need to give you a bit of background data about me and animals.  I am not an animal lover […]

And now for the next exciting installment coming to you from Herriman!

And now for the next exciting installment coming to you all the way from Herriman! (You have to say this in that voice they used to use in the 1930’s type news accounts at the cinema) In our last post we asked the thrilling questions: Did all the furniture arrive in one piece? Did all […]

Where are my ace packers when I need them?

Yes I'm moving again.  This time back to Utah.  For how long?  Who knows! Property values in Utah have now sunk so low we are under water with every house and because the last tenants (Mark and Rosalind Cazares) in one of the houses didn't pay their rent and cost us hugely to get them […]

Yes I Am Alive!

In answer to all those e-mails' and text messages let  me start by saying yes I am alive and well and have not fallen off the face of the earth! I know I've been gone a while but boy have I been busy.  As you all know I have been packing like mad and I […]

Oh Kathy, what have you done to me?

   Oh Kathy, what have you done to me? You're supposed to be my best friend!  I only made dresses before I met you and now I am so into quilting it's threatening to engulf me. I have 46 boxes of fabric stash and sewing related "stuff", and the worst part is I can't bear […]

Chaos Reigns

I know I've been complaining about packing in other posts so I won't start again here but I took some pictures of my living room and part of the bedroom.  My mattress is on the floor as the base has all been broken down and tied up ready to go, things are in pieces everywhere […]

Packing, packing, packing……………

Did I ever tell you how much I hate packing!  It's boring, back breaking and very emotional.  The biggest problem with the moves we make is they are not usually a straight house to house move and this one is no exception. We are in the position AGAIN of just moving part of the household […]

Historic day today!

Just took a huge TV we bought in 1994 and brought with us from England to the landfill AND IT STILL WORKED!!! One small step for Sonja, one giant leap towards a flat screen for Tim………………….. Have I ever said how much I hate packing? What to take, what to store, what to ditch. It's […]