Thursday 6th June, 1 day post-op

Looking again at Tim's notes I am amazed at how I have no memory of this day at all. When I read them it is really obvious to me that no matter how sick a person is, sometimes it is much worse for the loved one who is desperate to do anything they can to […]

My Life Before and After

So how can getting three new disks change your life?  This past year has, by and large, meant I have been house bound.  Any trips out brought on unbearable pain and days in bed recovering. Difficult at best but catastrophic when you are try to run your own business. I am lucky in that we […]

Bed or Pressure Sores and Day 37 Post Op

Day 37 Post Op Well it’s just over 5 weeks since the surgery and I still have good days and bad.  Last weekend was pretty good but I seemed to go downhill again after that.  My guts almost feel as they did right after the surgery where they feel like they are about to fall […]

Day 28 post op. My Sucky Week

Recap of the last week. 26th June, Wednesday Day 21, 3 weeks today! Long flight home, 22 hours door to door and all of it sitting. Went back on the fentanyl patch 4 days before we left so I would have the relief for three days while packing and sorting etc, although Tim was fantastic […]

New Bionic Back

Day 16 Post-op Woke up in a lot of pain this morning, we went for a short walk last night to a restaurant that was close, our first real meal out. I was OK for a while but sitting there did start to get the better of me after the first hour, even with 2 […]

Tim and Command Central

Tim and Command Central No matter where we go in the world, Tim manages to run the world from command central!  We always take 2 monitors with us when we travel, one for him and one for me but as I can’t sit yet for more than half an hour, there’s not much point in […]

Day 14 post-op

When we all talked about me getting that third disk put in, Dr Clavel warned me that it would take one to two extra weeks to recover, L5/S1 is harder to get to, so needs more recovery time. We decided it was worth it because I for sure was not going to be able to […]

What Tim didn’t tell you about the day of the operation!

Tim kept a set of notes so he wouldnt forget anything when I woke up and wanted to know all the details!  Bless his cotton socks, his posts are short and upbeat (one of the reasons I love him) but sometimes he leaves out so much detail that you never really know the anquish he […]

Sonja does not need any painkillers, for pain but…

Sonja is certainly getting a lot of attention, I think the nurses and doctors have been to see Sonja 20 times today.  Her sense of humor is back and I’m listening to her now laughing and joking with a couple of nurses and the house doctor. Today Sonja had an EKG, also they took her […]

Barcelona here we come, 8 days…….

Barcelona here we come, 8 days……. Well so much for my posting every day. That went out the window when the pain upped.  Hard to do anything except just what's necessary to get through the day.  Work comes first, if we don't keep working on our business we don't make any money and I have […]

13 days and counting………

Wow less than 2 weeks till we fly out. Getting a bit nervous now. Am I doing the right thing? Do I really need this surgery? Can we really afford it? Will it just help or will it actually solve the problem? Will I even survive? The pain in my back had been pretty bad […]

So what is pain anyway?

So what is pain anyway? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone". The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an […]

22 Days and counting

We have 22 days till we fly out and it can't come soon enough.  But I am getting ahead of myself. I’m going to start by giving you some of my findings in the hope that it will help your search for an answer. It has taken me a long time to find all the […]