A Nice Quiet Christmas

This Christmas was exceptionally quiet for us, usually we have family and/or Vanessa here for at least a week. This year Vanessa decided to stay in Costa Rica and come to us for Thanksgiving and Jeanette volunteered to dog sit for another friend of mine, Kathy. On Christmas day we always eat the big "dinner" […]

California here we come!

Well I have to say I do like Arizona, for a vacation that is, I think it would be waaaay too hot in the summer. As some of you may have heard by now Tim has accepted a job in California, He'll be running a company called Grotto Wine Cellars (they actually make wine cellars, […]

Arizona is pretty cool

I have to say that I really like Arizona, but not in the heat of summer!  I don’t live here year round so it’s easy to say you like a place when you are only visiting. You don’t have to put up with scorpions in the house and 115F heat for months on end. We […]

Our trip to Arizona (again!)

We must really love Arizona as we keep coming back.  We came this time to get some sun and warmth, sun we can always get in Utah but lately it has been freezing cold.  It takes about 12 hours (depending on how you drive, Kathy can get to Phoenix in 10 hours but she drives […]