And Now For Somethig Completely Different……..

Note: I wrote this ages ago and apparently I clicked on the draft button instead of post, not saying I'm a bit distracted or anything LOL  either way this should make you laugh, it does it to me every time!   Yeah we all need something completely different now and again.   Trouble is my completely […]

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to live forever indeed!  Not my hitch hiking lizard it seems and certainly not the snow blower.  Well, I can’t blame the snow blower after all we purchased it in November 2000 so if it was a car it would have gone round the clock twice by now! (yeah….that feeling I know!) Let’s […]

Our Hitch Hiker from California

Our Hitch Hiker from California Yes we really did bring a Californian hitch hiker with us, we didn’t really want him and I am sure he didn’t want to come! Before I start this story I need to give you a bit of background data about me and animals.  I am not an animal lover […]

Should I be worried?

Should I be worried? Read this in my local free paper “The Saddleback Valley News”, it’s named after the local mountain range which strangely enough is called the Saddleback Mountains. ‘Sandbags available to Mission Viejo residents Free sandbags are available to residents at several locations throughout the city. The pre-filled bags, provided on a first-come, […]

Fire at The Cove!

I got a number of calls last night from friends and neighbors who all knew we owned property at The Cove in Herriman, Utah.  Herriman is pretty close to Camp Williams, and here's the official blurb on the Camp: Camp Williams is a National Guard Training Site operated by the Utah Army National Guard. It […]

Money, Money, Money

So I’m not sure if this goes in the weird category or just the downright ludicrous! Politics used to be all about the candidates, what they represented and what they thought they would be able to do for you the punter when they were elected.  Now it is just about money and unbelievable amounts of […]

The Dutch make it look so easy and effortless!

Tim found this video while playing with Stumbleupon (I think he is addicted to the site ;o) It is pretty cool really, having cycled in Utrecht it brings back some really good memories.  They are so geared up there for cycling and I always thought it was amazing that they have their own traffic lights! […]

Nature is even more weirder than I am!

How weird is this then?  You've all seen Transformers, if not the movie you must have seen the toys at some point but this owl really is a transformer.  An octopus can change color but it can't really change its shape, this bird is amazing in how it changes itself based on the threat. The […]

Another MRI with dye

You know after everything I have gone through over the last 2+ years with my back you would think they could have sorted it out by now. I should be so lucky. Where's Dr Crusher when you need her or even the holo Doc? at least he knows how to put Borg nanobots to good […]

Utah Snows!

Well I'd like to say Utah blows or Utah sucks but I can't as I actually like Utah.  It does however snow! Last week I had the dubious honor of flying to Utah in order to get all the sprinklers running at the rental houses.  I had booked the flight a week before based on […]

A Blast from the Past

Wow, you just never know who you are going to run into or who will track you down from your past. We all know the saying "Be careful who you stab in the back on your way up as they will be there waiting for you on your way down!"  I guess the same can […]

A weird day just like any other

So today I am feeling a bit "drained", drinking a gallon of foul lemony/salty fluid starting at 4:30 am is enough to make you vomit (but I was a good girl and didn't) but certainly did the trick with cleaning out my whole system! The day didn't start well, it took them 4 tries in […]

Weird or am I in for some good luck?

So I heard that breaking an egg and getting a double yolk is good luck, what do you get when you break 3 eggs and 2 of them have a double yolk? Twice the luck? Is there such a thing or is it just another reminder of how weird my life is.  What makes this […]

Back in the land of the living!

It never rains but it pours but I would not be me if my life was anything other than weird or just downright wacky! Tim and my daughter Jeanette were home to help me the first week after surgery, not that I really needed too much help but it is nice to have a little […]