13 days and counting………

Wow less than 2 weeks till we fly out. Getting a bit nervous now. Am I doing the right thing? Do I really need this surgery? Can we really afford it? Will it just help or will it actually solve the problem? Will I even survive? The pain in my back had been pretty bad […]

So what is pain anyway?

So what is pain anyway? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone". The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an […]

So Why do Disk Replacement Surgery Anteriorly (from the front)?

19 days and counting till we leave for Barcelona…. You would think that if they are working on your spine they would be working on or operating on your back wouldn’t you? I’ve been asked a number of times about why my belly will get so big when it’s my back they are working on. […]

20 days and counting……

20 days and counting till we leave for Barcelona, wow less than 3 weeks now! Been a long day today, didn’t take anything to help me sleep last night and was awake again at 5 am, it sucks!  I am NOT a morning person (ask Tim) and when your back hurts too it’s a double […]

21 Days and Counting……

Fentanyl Patch not really working! A couple of weeks ago I felt another piece of disk break off and it hurt like hell, I finally gave up trying to tough out the pain and not take too many Lortab so the doc just gave me some new meds, a Fentanyl patch. I put on the […]

22 Days and counting

We have 22 days till we fly out and it can't come soon enough.  But I am getting ahead of myself. I’m going to start by giving you some of my findings in the hope that it will help your search for an answer. It has taken me a long time to find all the […]

M6 Artificial Disc Replacement

Anatomy of an M6 Artificial Disc Well here I am between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place, between…… you get the idea.  Anyone who has been reading this blog knows I have been battling back pain and Degenerative Disc Disease for a canny few years now. My […]

I appear to have a new grandchild and her name is Flat Sarah!

Hello, my name is Flat Sarah and my sister is Lauren Spano.  Lauren's school, Belle Ann Elementary, is doing a big project and that project involved me, Flat Sarah, being in all sorts of situations.  Lauren and our mom Rosanne decided to send me to Nana and Papa because Mom said Nana and Papa are […]

And Now For Somethig Completely Different……..

Note: I wrote this ages ago and apparently I clicked on the draft button instead of post, not saying I'm a bit distracted or anything LOL  either way this should make you laugh, it does it to me every time!   Yeah we all need something completely different now and again.   Trouble is my completely […]

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Before you start reading, if it gets boring jump to the punch line at the bottom………………………….. “The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men” of which you may have noticed I am neither being of the female persuasion! However, that didn’t make a lick of difference when it comes to the year 2010.  Robert Burns […]

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to live forever indeed!  Not my hitch hiking lizard it seems and certainly not the snow blower.  Well, I can’t blame the snow blower after all we purchased it in November 2000 so if it was a car it would have gone round the clock twice by now! (yeah….that feeling I know!) Let’s […]

Our Hitch Hiker from California

Our Hitch Hiker from California Yes we really did bring a Californian hitch hiker with us, we didn’t really want him and I am sure he didn’t want to come! Before I start this story I need to give you a bit of background data about me and animals.  I am not an animal lover […]

And now for the next exciting installment coming to you from Herriman!

And now for the next exciting installment coming to you all the way from Herriman! (You have to say this in that voice they used to use in the 1930’s type news accounts at the cinema) In our last post we asked the thrilling questions: Did all the furniture arrive in one piece? Did all […]

elle est arrivée (and I’m not talking Beaujolais Nouveau!)

Yes I’m back in Utah, AGAIN!  This post is kinda 2 posts in one, apart from the fact I have been too busy to post I have had limited to no internet for a week.  Now, as someone whose whole life IS the internet not having access for one day seems like a month, can […]

Stunning art quilts

I have joined two quilt guilds since I moved to SoCal and have made some wonderful friends. The first guild I joined was "Beach Cities" very big but they have some wonderful speakers and it was there I joined a friendship group and met Jan, Paula, Sandi and Barbara.  We called ourselves "The Forgetful Stitches" […]

Where are my ace packers when I need them?

Yes I'm moving again.  This time back to Utah.  For how long?  Who knows! Property values in Utah have now sunk so low we are under water with every house and because the last tenants (Mark and Rosalind Cazares) in one of the houses didn't pay their rent and cost us hugely to get them […]

Those Crazy Cats

I just did a workshop at one of my quilt guilds, Flying Geese. It was a short 3 hour lesson on how to make a quilt called Those Crazy Cats by Buggy Barn. I just thought it was so cool I took some photos to show you.  No this is NOT the one I made, […]

The deer have nowhere to go!

The fire did a lot more than just burn down a few houses, it has destroyed a large area of the ecosystem, that is really apparent when it comes to the deer. When I talk about the ecosystem I'm talking about the thousands of acres that were burnt and the effect it has had on […]

I did it in one day!

My back didn't appreciate it but I drove straight through!  I usually don't manage to get the car packed and on the road until mid afternoon which means an overnight stop at the halfway point: Virgin River Hotel in Mesquite. It's cheap and cheerful and clean, all you need when all you want to do […]

Everybody sing: The hills are dead……..

Sad but true.  Not only would I starve if I had to sing for my supper but the hills around these parts really do seem more dead than alive.  I don't think Julie Andrews would have much to sing about, well at least until next spring anyway. Everywhere you look all you see are blackened […]