Fire in Herriman

Managed to do a drive around the area today and have a look at the damage done by the fire in Herriman.  It is really apparent as you drive around the scope of the damage: burnt hillsides everywhere and I managed to get some photos of the house that burnt down very near The Cove.  […]

Should I be worried?

Should I be worried? Read this in my local free paper “The Saddleback Valley News”, it’s named after the local mountain range which strangely enough is called the Saddleback Mountains. ‘Sandbags available to Mission Viejo residents Free sandbags are available to residents at several locations throughout the city. The pre-filled bags, provided on a first-come, […]

On the road again!

On the road again! Yeah back on the road up to Utah, I think this needs to be my signature tune!  Spent over 6 hours driving yesterday and another 6 plus today and my back is telling me about it. The drive was pretty good though thank goodness, no problems at all, let’s hope the […]

Living in California has its perks!

I have to say I am very lucky and didn't realize how good this rental; house was going to be when we rented it.  Apart from the fact that it's a nice house it has all these orange trees and while the ones in the back have no oranges left as they are busy growing […]

Fire at The Cove!

I got a number of calls last night from friends and neighbors who all knew we owned property at The Cove in Herriman, Utah.  Herriman is pretty close to Camp Williams, and here's the official blurb on the Camp: Camp Williams is a National Guard Training Site operated by the Utah Army National Guard. It […]

Honey, I’m home!!!

Yup, I finally made it back to Orange County, long drive which my back did not appreciate but it's always good to get home! I did have fun staying at my BFF Kathy's house though, she worked 24/7 so I didn't get to see her much but when I did we had fun,  she managed […]

I can go home when exactly?

I can go home when exactly? I have now been in Utah for over a month!  Been pretty busy though, nothing new there then.  I had hoped to get the house rented before now so that I can get back to California and my wonderful husband. I almost did!  Tuesday I had decided that I […]

Well, I guess you’re never too old to learn!

I have just started to help on a project for Grotto about sommeliers, one of the owners is a sommelier and there are a couple of others that do contract work for the company.  One is a Master Sommelier would you believe, and there are only 105 professionals who hold the title Master Sommelier in […]

On The Road Again

You know having a business in a different state than you live in can be a bit of a pain to say the least.  I have just had to drive up from California to Utah again in order to get a house ready to rent out. I always do it in 2 stages as it's […]

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well my life never stands still, there's always something going on.  All the time Claire and Gianni were with us I was making curtains for Leo's room.  What was I thinking???? For those of you that sew you are probably thinking….."Curtains? How hard can that be???" Well not hard per se but I think I […]

Summer is here and my babies have gone :o(

Woke up yesterday morning to brilliant sunshine, first time in almost 2 months and it seems way longer than that.  I was warned when we moved to this part of California to watch for the "June Gloom" and gloomy is right.  Every morning it is completely gray and somewhat chilly, if you are lucky the […]

Happy Birthday to ME!

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I have been having a ball!  First my daughter Rosanne and her husband Michael come to visit and brought my lovely granddaughter Lauren with them for me to play with and then my daughter Claire and her husband Gianni brought my adorable grandson Leo for me to […]

Money, Money, Money

So I’m not sure if this goes in the weird category or just the downright ludicrous! Politics used to be all about the candidates, what they represented and what they thought they would be able to do for you the punter when they were elected.  Now it is just about money and unbelievable amounts of […]

Cool Quilt Show

Well I thought it was cool anyway but as Tim says I'm raving mad.  After all you have to be mad to take perfectly good pieces of fabric, cut them up and sew them back together again.  Well I never said I had that strong of a grip on reality ;o) Being new to California […]

A good Memorial Day Weekend

Wow what a lovely weekend, on Saturday Tim and I decided to go for a walk up in the mountains around Orange County.  Well in Utah terms they are mere 'hills' as we topped out at only 1700 feet above sea level. Considering the base of the mountains starts at around the 5000 foot mark […]

The Dutch make it look so easy and effortless!

Tim found this video while playing with Stumbleupon (I think he is addicted to the site ;o) It is pretty cool really, having cycled in Utrecht it brings back some really good memories.  They are so geared up there for cycling and I always thought it was amazing that they have their own traffic lights! […]

Nature is even more weirder than I am!

How weird is this then?  You've all seen Transformers, if not the movie you must have seen the toys at some point but this owl really is a transformer.  An octopus can change color but it can't really change its shape, this bird is amazing in how it changes itself based on the threat. The […]

The results are in and it’s not all in my head!

Well, not exactly anyway.  I'm sure there's a lot rattling around in there that a lot of people have questioned over the years but this at least is real, and I can prove it ;o) The results from the MRI are in and although it's not the best of news it's not that bad either, […]

Another MRI with dye

You know after everything I have gone through over the last 2+ years with my back you would think they could have sorted it out by now. I should be so lucky. Where's Dr Crusher when you need her or even the holo Doc? at least he knows how to put Borg nanobots to good […]

Whale Watching

I love sailing, we've done a lot of it over the years, the trouble is sailing doesn't like me!  We once spent 2 weeks on a sailing course in the Mediterranean and the skipper told me that sea sickness usually goes away after 3 days max.  I threw up everyday for the whole 2 weeks!  […]