A Day At Disney

Well Tuesday was spent recuperating and Lauren being 7 recuperated very quickly.  7 year olds have an amazing capacity for bouncing back and then it's all about how to keep them entertained. There is a park at the end of our road that has a playing field, swings, slide and sand so by Tuesday afternoon […]

The Joys of Disney, NOT!

Rosanne, Michael and Lauren spent yesterday at Disney and had loads of fun, they were scheduled to stay 2 nights at the Disney hotel and I was supposed to meet them today to spend Laurens birthday with her at the Disneyland park. All sounds great in theory until something comes along to throw a spanner […]

Quilts, Quilts, Quilts

Well It is Laurens birthday tomorrow and as they are spending today at Disneyland I know they won't be reading this blog so I can now release pictures of the quilt I have made for them. This first quilt for Lauren was the one I mostly finished at the retreat.  Here you can see the […]

Happy Mothers Day!

Well, I have had a wonderful Mothers Day. My daughter Rosanne arrived yesterday with her husband Michael and best of all (sorry Rosanne and Michael) they brought my granddaughter Lauren. Yippee! This morning we went to the park and then walked over the hill to Starbucks for a hot chocolate. That was fun till Lauren […]

Utah Snows!

Well I'd like to say Utah blows or Utah sucks but I can't as I actually like Utah.  It does however snow! Last week I had the dubious honor of flying to Utah in order to get all the sprinklers running at the rental houses.  I had booked the flight a week before based on […]

A Blast from the Past

Wow, you just never know who you are going to run into or who will track you down from your past. We all know the saying "Be careful who you stab in the back on your way up as they will be there waiting for you on your way down!"  I guess the same can […]

A weird day just like any other

So today I am feeling a bit "drained", drinking a gallon of foul lemony/salty fluid starting at 4:30 am is enough to make you vomit (but I was a good girl and didn't) but certainly did the trick with cleaning out my whole system! The day didn't start well, it took them 4 tries in […]

The Incredible Shrinking Woman!

It's true, weird but true.  Hey, there's not much in my life that isn't weird, wacky or could only happen to me but how does one shrink when there is no bone loss?  The only thing I can think of is the disks between the vertebrae are flattening which would explain the 2 disks that […]

We survived our FIRST earthquake!

Wow, that was weird, we were just sitting watching a DVD when all of a sudden there was a really strange noise. It sounded like the DVD player was continually accessing the DVD, that kind of high squeaky noise it makes but we realized it was the walls and the outside deck shaking that was […]

It’s good to be “home”

The only really bad part of the whole trip was coming back to mounds of mail.  I managed to get rid of all the junk mail and separate the magazines and I still had a 6 inch pile of mail that needed to be entered into the accounting package or sorted in someway then filed, […]

Utah to California to Utah to California

Weird but it's exactly what happened.  We left Utah the first week of February which meant we hit California when the rain was also hitting it.  Not a big problem as after all I knew all I would be doing the first 3 weeks or so there was going to be unpacking. I'm getting ahead […]

Yes I Am Alive!

In answer to all those e-mails' and text messages let  me start by saying yes I am alive and well and have not fallen off the face of the earth! I know I've been gone a while but boy have I been busy.  As you all know I have been packing like mad and I […]

Weird or am I in for some good luck?

So I heard that breaking an egg and getting a double yolk is good luck, what do you get when you break 3 eggs and 2 of them have a double yolk? Twice the luck? Is there such a thing or is it just another reminder of how weird my life is.  What makes this […]

Oh Kathy, what have you done to me?

   Oh Kathy, what have you done to me? You're supposed to be my best friend!  I only made dresses before I met you and now I am so into quilting it's threatening to engulf me. I have 46 boxes of fabric stash and sewing related "stuff", and the worst part is I can't bear […]

The world as I know it….GONE

Well from where I sit anyway!  Woke up this morning to FOG! A small amount of snow fell last night, negligible really but the world had disappeared.  Not something I am used to here in Utah, a complete white out from snow yes but FOG? The world climate it certainly changing, the south of England […]

Chaos Reigns

I know I've been complaining about packing in other posts so I won't start again here but I took some pictures of my living room and part of the bedroom.  My mattress is on the floor as the base has all been broken down and tied up ready to go, things are in pieces everywhere […]

Packing, packing, packing……………

Did I ever tell you how much I hate packing!  It's boring, back breaking and very emotional.  The biggest problem with the moves we make is they are not usually a straight house to house move and this one is no exception. We are in the position AGAIN of just moving part of the household […]

Historic day today!

Just took a huge TV we bought in 1994 and brought with us from England to the landfill AND IT STILL WORKED!!! One small step for Sonja, one giant leap towards a flat screen for Tim………………….. Have I ever said how much I hate packing? What to take, what to store, what to ditch. It's […]

A Nice Quiet Christmas

This Christmas was exceptionally quiet for us, usually we have family and/or Vanessa here for at least a week. This year Vanessa decided to stay in Costa Rica and come to us for Thanksgiving and Jeanette volunteered to dog sit for another friend of mine, Kathy. On Christmas day we always eat the big "dinner" […]

California here we come!

Well I have to say I do like Arizona, for a vacation that is, I think it would be waaaay too hot in the summer. As some of you may have heard by now Tim has accepted a job in California, He'll be running a company called Grotto Wine Cellars (they actually make wine cellars, […]