Arizona is pretty cool

I have to say that I really like Arizona, but not in the heat of summer!  I don’t live here year round so it’s easy to say you like a place when you are only visiting. You don’t have to put up with scorpions in the house and 115F heat for months on end. We […]

Our trip to Arizona (again!)

We must really love Arizona as we keep coming back.  We came this time to get some sun and warmth, sun we can always get in Utah but lately it has been freezing cold.  It takes about 12 hours (depending on how you drive, Kathy can get to Phoenix in 10 hours but she drives […]

Fun weekend at a Quilt Retreat

I have just had such a fun weekend.  I have wanted to go on this quilt retreat for years but either something got in my way or it was full and I was wait listed.  This year I managed to get on the second one (the first one is always full of the regulars who […]

Back in the land of the living!

It never rains but it pours but I would not be me if my life was anything other than weird or just downright wacky! Tim and my daughter Jeanette were home to help me the first week after surgery, not that I really needed too much help but it is nice to have a little […]

Successful Surgery

Monday, October 26th and we had to get up waaaay to early!! I was due at the hospital at 7:30am so had to be up at 6am to shower and it takes about 45 minutes to get to the hospital and we wanted an additional 15 minutes for rush hour traffic. Yes, it’s one of […]

I don’t like being fragile!

It’s amazing how life can throw you curve balls, just when you think you have a handle on things everything changes!  I did my back in again about three months ago and although I did physio for 2 months until they decided that there was nothing more they could do for me I was about […]

More Back Surgery

Well for those of you that don’t follow me on FaceBook I thought I’d let you all know what’s up.  My back has been playing up for the last three months and my Orthopedic surgeon sent me for physio but it only helped about 70%.  Then Sunday I went to lift something, twisted wrong and […]

How to plant a plant – part three – Sandy Soils

Sandy soils, sounds easy, dig in fork, turn over dirt put in plant.  The trouble with sandy soils is though, when you try to lift a fork full of sandy soil it ll falls between the times, there’s nothing to hold it all together.  It also means there’s nothing to hold the moisture either. Sandy […]

How to plant a plant: part two

Planting a plant in Herriman is easy when you follow these steps: dig shovel into ground stop ears ringing from vibration of shovel hitting rock spend 2 hours digging out said rock dig shovel into ground stop ears ringing from vibration of shovel hitting rock spend 2 hours digging out said rock take a well […]

How to plant a plant

I’m not saying I am an expert by any means but having gardened on three continents and just planted over 35 trees, 55 shrubs and countless perennials in one yard and am in the process of planting another 5 trees, 20 shrubs and another countless perennials in another yard I guess I do have a […]

How to make money on the internet

Sound like an odd post?  Well it is kinda but my daughter Rachael called me the other day and her laptop we gave her had died and she had just finished a long conversation with her dad who talked her through buying a new one.  Now she is really excited as she has bought a […]

Driving Around Lake Tahoe

Wow! The 72 mile drive around the lake is fantastic.  It takes about 4 hours with short stops but you need to take all day, there actually a lot to see. Parks, historic places, a Scandinavian castle (Vikingsholm Castle) and some beautiful beaches and wood walks, actually you could spend a week and still not […]

Lake Tahoe and the infinite drive

Well, what do you know, I’m going on vacation! Monday was Labor Day and the night before Tim decided the only way he was going to get some rest was to send me away! Apparently he can’t take a break if I’m working (he always feels guilty) and I don’t know how to take a […]

Lake Tahoe and a vacation dream

Way back in early June we had booked a week at Lake Tahoe using our time share exchange, it seemed like a good idea at the time, surely they would be finished with the yard and we would have all the plants in and would need a well deserved rest.  Mmmmm……… you know what they […]

OMG Gardening in Utah!

What was I thinking?  It all seemed like a good idea at the time, every time I went into a garden center or Lowes or Home Depot, there would be plants on sale and I would think, well I can keep them alive until the yard goes in.  Baby them a bit, transplant and feed […]

Holy Mackeral Batman it’s been over a month!!!!

Where does the time go? Well, for a start, this whole last month it has been at the physical Terrorists. Yeah, well, as you can see by the videos in my last post I don’t do anything the easy way and around the 14th July my back started hurting, (it’s always hurt since the surgery […]

What have I been up to?

Yeah I know, I haven’t posted in ages, well things get busy you know! The worst part is some of those things are self inflicted, well I always said I was weird! Firstly there’s the yard, anyone who follows me on FaceBook has heard my rantings about working in a chain gang. I’m really not […]

The last days thank goodness!

Well, I’m getting bored with this now so I can only assume you guys are too! I am lumping all the rest of the days together, adding photo’s and comments and then I’m done. The only other thing I might do is put up a post that details all our learning’s from Italy, just in […]

The beach, rain and the joys of driving in Rome

Monday 8th June 2009 (Day 13) The trip to Vieste was pretty easy and relaxing, you drive though a National Park which was very nice and the GPS had us turn off onto this narrow one lane road that had us a bit worried for a while but as most of the roads are similar, […]

Saturday June 6th 2009 (Day 11)

Saturday June 6th 2009 (Day 11) I think today everyone decided to sleep in, not surprising really! However, we did get together with Claire and Gianni at his parents house in the afternoon as Tim had left his laptop there and we needed to retrieve it. Unfortunately, Claire had a migraine, again not surprising considering […]