THE BIG DAY!! Claires Wedding

Friday June 5th 2009 (Day 10) THE WEDDING!!! Wow the big day has finally arrived and we are so happy we were able to come. Claire got married to Gianni in Germany a year or so ago in a civil wedding and we were unable to attend so we feel really lucky to be here. […]

The Day Before the Wedding 4th June 2009

Today we get to wander around the town of Foggia and meet with Gianni and Claire and have lunch somewhere. Breakfast in the hotel ends at 9am and there is no way Tim or I are going to make that! We didn’t get to bed till around 2am again so we surface around 11am and […]

Not Quite a Disaster But Pretty Close! 3rd June 2009

Wednesday June 3rd 2009 ( Day 8 ) Today is the day we drive from Rome to Foggia. We have to pick up the car at 10am at the Hertz office in the station. We were going to send Tim off to get the car and then try to put the cases and stuff in […]

Another Disaster….. June 1st and 2nd 2009

Monday June 1st 2009 (Day 6 Part Two!) Well McDonald’s was not as cheap as we had hoped and the reason why is……. Tim had his Blackberry stolen! It was in it’s holster on his belt but instead of being in front it was nearer his back, the strap holding it down is only magnetic […]

Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps 31st May to 1st June 2009

Sunday 31st May 2009 (still Day 5) There are loads of pictures in my facebook albums. Let me know if you can’t get access. Last night was wonderful, we went off in search of the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps and found both. Apparently the Spanish steps are supposed to be for lovers and have […]

WOW We’re In ROME!!! 30th May to 31st May 2009

Saturday 30th May 2009 (Day 4) Today is Saturday and we arrived in Rome about 10 pm. The flight thankfully was uneventful except when I took out my plastic bag of liquids I dropped it and smashed my liquid foundation! You know I wonder sometimes, am I really that much of a klutz? Is life […]

OMG We’re in England! 27th to 29th May 2009

Wednesday 27th May 2009 (Day 1) We’re in England!Well the day started as I hope the rest of the vacation doesn’t go on! After landing at Heathrow, 30 minutes early Wednesday lunchtime we ended up sitting on the tarmac for 40 minutes while the other planes all got out of the way so we could […]

Presents for Tim’s mum and sister

Had to show you the presents I made for mum and Barbara. It was a last minute decision (it’s 7:30pm the night before we leave and I have just got them done that’s how last minute!) This apron is for Barbara, Tim’s older sister. The white circles on the black are actually chickens and you […]

OMG Now I know why I hate packing!

The day started well enough, I had everything, well almost everything, in my suitcase ready to go. We are both pretty used by now to traveling light and we had only filled the suitcases about 3/4 full making sure to leave room for souvenirs etc. Later in the day I got an email telling me […]

We’re back in Utah but……

Well we are now back in Utah after an uneventful 10 hour drive, couldn’t update the blog yesterday due to all the mail that needed opening and going through but here it is, the last saga of our vacation. It’s a vacation how could it be a saga you ask? Well remember this is me, […]

Still in Sedona

Good Grief, it’s Friday already and the week is almost over, it’s amazing how fast the time fly’s when you’re having fun! I’ve been really lazy just sitting around reading. I’m reading an amazing book called “Train Your Mind Change Your Brain”. It’s a book on studies that show how your brain is actually very […]

On Vacation in Sedona

Well, we did it, we finally managed to get away on vacation. I never thought it would happen because we have been so busy and as always whenever you book a vacation months in advance when the time finally comes you realize it is the MOST inconvenient time! If you have been following these posts […]

We’re Back!!!!!!

Well, we arrived back from Michigan on Monday evening and what a weird day that was. Weather wise it hadn’t been too bad all the time we were in Michigan, one day was really lovely and sunny and warm but mostly it was gray and cold but thankfully not freezing. However, just to make sure […]

We’re in Michigan!

Wow, what a difference to Utah, mostly flat, green and gray! For the whole week we have seen the sun once but it was a glorious day and here it is Saturday and the sun is shining again. It looks like it will be a great day and that’s good as Rosanne and Michael have […]

It’s been a while

Well it’s been a while and I am sorry for not getting here sooner but things are manic as always. How is it possible to be so busy as to not have to time to do a simple blog update? How can I be so busy that I have to work so late? Last night, […]

Good news and new meds BUT………………………..and some weird irony.

Nothing is ever easy is it? It has taken me a while to get this written because sitting at the PC starts to send shooting pains into my eye after about an hour so when I am sitting here I have to do that horrible 4 letter word ‘work’ which precludes me from writing my […]

Some good news, sort of!

Well we were back at the specialist at 8:30 this morning, so I was not awake but at least I had drunk some coffee on the way there! My eye thankfully has not been hurting quite so much but it is still very sensitive to bright lights and I’m still getting the occasional headache along […]

Thoroughly pissed off of Utah here!

Well I think enough of you have seen the back and forth about my eye enough to know it’s a pain in the proverbial! Well, now it’s worse than that!!!!!! I have to cancel my vacation to Costa Rica as my eye has taken a nose dive. Could someone please tell me how, when I […]

Magic Cure?

Tim again here, Sonja is out at her book club tonight and left me all by myself, poor me! A new development, I found a magic cure for Sonja’s eye….. maybe….. As you may know she has a virus in her right eye. A form of Herpes called ‘Stromal keratitis’ which is when the infection […]

Baby Bouncer

Tim here, doing an update for Sonja… She is busy in her sewing room and made a comment along the lines of “I’m not spending any more time in front of that bloody computer!” I think she my be having a moody day… Baby BouncerAnyhow I just bought a Baby Bouncer for baby Leo! Check […]