Canon PowerShot SD880IS 10MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Gold)

I just had to write about the new camera Tim bought, it is amazing and I’m very impressed to say the least. It does some amazing things. Apart from being really small and having a great zoom it takes movies (see below), good ones at that, panoramic shots or as the manual says ‘wide shot’ […]

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus!

What was I thinking? One day of starting to feel human and I think I own the world! NOT!Back to feeling lousy today, woke up with my eye looking like a demon replaced it with one of his own, it’s all red and angry, bit like me really. Managed to get some work done in […]

YouTube For Wimps!!

Well it’s been over a week on the new meds and I can honestly say I am feeling a bit better. Still achy but no where near as bad as I was. Is my body adjusting to them? did I come down with something at the same time as I tried the new meds? who […]

Good News and Bad News

What a week, talk about being on top of the mountain one day and in the depths the next. The start of the week was fantastic, we got our citizenship on Tuesday 13th January and I think I walked out of the Rose Wagner Theater floating on 6ft of air. I have since found out […]


13th January 2009 Wow, what a day. I could hardly sleep I was so nervous and excited. I have no idea what I was nervous about as we had taken the test 3 weeks before and passed with flying colors, this was the REAL thing though. The swearing in ceremony. We had to be a […]

I’m In Love!

Had our girls night out last night, we went to a really cool restaurant called Tsunami and the food was divine. The best part though is we went to see Australia after that, brilliant movie with a few contrived bits in it that were there just for the ladies I am sure. Hugh Jackman was […]

It’s A Sad Day!

It’s a sad day today, my bff/sister ‘V’ left early this morning to fly back to Costa Rica. 🙁 However, I do have good memories to keep me going until Dear Hubby and I fly down there at the end of February for a couple of weeks, now that I am really looking forward to, […]


I really do have to apologize for mouthing off in my last post. The HQ16 longarm quilting machine I have is actually a wonderful piece of engineering, I have since finished the quilt, put some practice material on the machine changed the thread and hey presto it sews like a genie! The moral: don’t buy […]

My HQ16 Quilting Machine

My quilting machine and I have a love / hate relationship. I love her when she works right but when she doesn’t I want her to pick a window cos she’s leaving!!! She reminds me of a poem I learnt when I was a child (XXX years ago LOL) There once was a girlWho had […]

Snow, Snow, Snow

Dear Hubby clearing the driveway and no that’s not a white hat it’s a red ear muffler with frozen hair on top! This is all I could see out of my kitchen window on Christmas morning! It doesn’t really show here but that is a ridge of snow about 5 foot high out there! Had […]

Almost Christmas!

It’s so exciting, present day tomorrow. Been baking all day, coconut macaroons, chocolate chip cookies, ham, pecan pie, the works. Love to bake but because I don’t have rugrats at home any more I have to bake for the neighborhood which they don’t seem to mind! Had a nice complement from one of the neighbors, […]

Christmas and the Art of Hiding Presents

Ah Christmas, don’t we love it? Christmas trees, presents, guests, snow. Sounds great doesn’t it unless you are the one decorating the tree, buying the presents, running around after the guests and shoveling the bloody snow for the umpteenth time. Jeez, I’ve been in Utah for 8 years and I really used to enjoy the […]

No Quilting For A Week!!!

If you decide to look at the Slide Presentation to the right make sure you go to the first slide, you can tell you are there because it say’s ‘Slide One’ along with some inane comment! We did have wonderful week there this time (no snow – see last post) but I did get withdrawal […]

My week in Arizona

For those of you that are interested you can double click the slide show to the right and get a better view of our week in Arizona. I must say it was just as good as last year but no where near as hair raising. Last year we went in February and it decided to […]

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